Download the app: https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/a0c0c2b3-9a24-42cd-82c5-bfe18dd0e9d0
This Signature Edition watch face is defined by super-crisp custom made anti-aliased graphics. This gives a sure token of superior rendering precision. Combined with an impressive list of features, customizations, and attention to detail, the Signature Edition is setting a new Standard for the next generation of Connect IQ analog watch faces.
Every watch face takes a LOT of time and effort to implement, test, update and support. I always take the time to perfect small details like finding the perfect font, fixing small pixels, icons etc... I strongly believe that the end result speaks for itself. I am not asking much... Just a donation for all that work to show some appreciation. If my work makes you enjoy your watch, then I believe it's worth it :-)
You can explore my other watch faces here: https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/developer/53b3adeb-a395-47c6-98b4-80c391c83d3c/apps
NOTE: The third hand is a configurable GMT Hand ( Option of UTC, Next sun event, battery or steps ). This watch face doesn't have a second hand.
Q: Sunrise/sunset are incorrect?
A: Turn on GPS till green status on any activity to save your last position and everything will be fine.
Q: How to use watch settings?
A: https://forums.garmin.com/showthread.php?332843-How-to-App-Settings
Q: Nothing helps, what to do?
A: Please write me! Use the contact developer option on this page before leaving a bad review!
Q: How do I change between 12/24 hour?
A: Go to Settings - System - Time - Time Format and change it there.
This Watch Face Display (Free version):
-Configurable GMT Hand ( Option of UTC, Next sun event, battery or steps )
Paid version adds the customization of the following:
-Theme Color
-Hands Color
-Hour marks Color
-Minute marks Color
-Background Color
-Text Color
-2 Configurable Dynamic fields with the following options:
-Distance ( Km or miles, based on watch settings )
-Altitude ( Meters or feet, based on watch settings )
-Calories (kCal)
-Near RealTime Heart Rate ( High rate update available on High Power mode )
-Sunrise Time (Time calculated using last recorded Position)
-Sunset Time (Time calculated using last recorded Position)
-Second Time1
-Second Time2
-Next Sun Event
-Countdown in days to a date
-Intensity minutes (***On supported devices)
-Barometer (hPa - inHg) (***On supported devices)
-Week Number
-Status Icons
By Purchasing you agree to Terms and Conditions for the app(s).